
Teresa M. Bejan

BA, MPhil, PhD

Professor of Political Theory, DPIR
Fellow, Oriel College
Political Theory Network
Oriel College

Teresa M. Bejan is Professor of Political Theory and a Fellow of Oriel College at the University of Oxford. She arrived in Oxford from the University of Toronto in 2015.

In 2021, Prof Bejan was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Politics, which celebrates early career researchers who have already achieved international recognition and have exceptional future promise. 

Other awards include the Britain and Ireland Association for Political Thought’s Early Career Prize (2020), a Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2018), the Balzan Skinner Fellowship in Modern Intellectual History at Cambridge (2016), the American Political Science Association’s Leo Strauss Award for the best doctoral dissertation in political philosophy (2015), and a Mellon Research Fellowship in the Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities (2013-2014). In the 2020-2021 academic year she was on leave from Oxford as the Fulbright Visiting Chair in Constitutional and Political Theory at McGill University. 

Professor Bejan’s research brings historical perspectives to bear on questions in contemporary political theory. She has written extensively on themes of free speech, civility, tolerance and equality in historical contexts ranging from ancient Athens to 20th-century analytic political philosophy. 

Her first book, Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration (2017), examined contemporary calls for civility in light of 17th-century debates about religious toleration. It defended an ideal of ‘mere civility’ consistent with American free speech fundamentalism derived from Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island. The book was called "penetrating and sophisticated" by The New York Times and has been widely reviewed in scholarly and popular publications. Her second book, tentatively entitled First Among Equals, explores the fascinating but forgotten history of equality before modern egalitarianism, due out in 2023 from Harvard University Press. Her next major research project will be the Clarendon edition of John Locke’s Letters on Toleration.

She has also published peer-reviewed articles in American Journal of Political ScienceJournal of Politics,British Journal of Political SciencePolitical TheoryHistory of Political Thought, and more. Her Special Forum on “The Historical Rawls” for Modern Intellectual History (co-edited with Sophie Smith and Annette Zimmermann) was published in 2021. Alongside her academic work, Prof Bejan writes regularly for popular venues, including The New York TimesThe Atlantic, and The Washington Post. In 2018, she gave a TED Talk, ‘Is Civility a Sham?,’ which has received over 1.7 million views.

Previous Posts

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto (2014-15)

Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, and Lecturer in Political Science, Columbia University (2013-14)


  • Theory of Politics
  • Political Thought: Plato to Rousseau
  • Modern Political Theory: Machiavelli to Burke
  • The Political and Ethical Thought of Plato and Aristotle
  • Equality: History & Theory
  • Methods in Political Theory
Teresa M. Bejan


Journal Articles


BEJAN, T. (2023) “Hobbes and Hats”, American Political Science Review, 117(4), pp. 1188–1201.


Bejan, T. (2022) “Hobbes against hate speech”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 32(2), pp. 247–264.


Bejan, . (2021) “No respecter of persons”, Journal of Biblical Literature, 140(4), pp. 831–836.
Bejan, T. (2021) “Rawls’s Teaching and the ‘Tradition’ of Political Philosophy (vol 18, pg 1058, 2021)”, MODERN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY, 18(4), pp. 1080–1080.
Bejan, T. (2021) “What was the point of equality?”, American Journal of Political Science, 66(3), pp. 604–616.
Bejan, T. (2021) “Review of: ’Plato and the Mythic Tradition in Political Thought, by Tae-Yeoun Keum’”, Mind [Preprint].
Smith, S., Bejan, T. and Zimmermann, A. (2021) “The Historical Rawls: Introduction”, Modern Intellectual History, 18(4), pp. 899–905.
Bejan, T. (2021) “Rawls’s teaching and the ‘tradition’ of political philosophy”, Modern Intellectual History, 18(4), pp. 1058–1079.


Bejan, T. (2020) “The Troubling Ambiguity of Peace”, Politics Religion & Ideology, 21(1), pp. 124–126.
Bejan, T. (2020) “FREE EXPRESSION OR EQUAL SPEECH?”, Social Philosophy and Policy, 37(2), pp. 153–169.


Jones, C. and Bejan, T. (2019) “Reconsidering tolerance: insights from political theory and three experiments”, British Journal of Political Science, 51(2), pp. 604–623.
Bejan, T. (2019) “Two Concepts of Freedom (of Speech)”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 163(2), pp. 95–107.
BEJAN, T. (2019) “‘Since All the World is mad, why should not I be so?’ Mary Astell on Equality, Hierarchy, and Ambition”, Political Theory [Preprint].
BEJAN, T. and JONES, C. (2019) “Reconsidering Tolerance: Insights from Political Theory”, British Journal of Political Science [Preprint].


Bejan, T. (2018) “Liberty, Conscience, and Toleration: The Political Thought of William Penn”, PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS, 16(2), pp. 487–488.
Bejan, T. (2018) “Response to Andrew R. Murphy’s review of Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration”, Perspectives on Politics, 16(2), pp. 491–491.
Bejan, T. (2018) “Mere Civility: A Reply to My Critics”, Political Science Reviewer [Preprint].
Bejan, T. (2018) “Mere Civility Review Symposium: A Reply”, Review of Politics [Preprint].
Bejan, T. (2018) “’Review Essay: Recent Work on Toleration’”, Review of Politics [Preprint].
Bejan, T. and Murphy, A. (2018) “’Critical Dialogue: Teresa M. Bejan and Andrew Murphy’”, Perspectives on Politics [Preprint].


Bejan, T. (2017) “Of Moderns and Masters. Steven B. Smith: Modernity and Its Discontents: Making and Unmaking the Bourgeois from Machiavelli to Bellow (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. Pp. 416.)”, Review of Politics, 79(4), pp. 680–682.


Bejan, T. (2016) “Book review: J. Judd Owen: Making Religion Safe for Democracy: Transformation from Hobbes to Tocqueville. ”, Review of Politics, 78(03), pp. 469–472.
Bejan, T. (2016) “Review: Saba Mahmood, Religious Difference in a Secular Age: A Minority Report”, Politics, Religion and Ideology, 17(1), pp. 69–79.
Bejan, T. (2016) “Difference without disagreement: Rethinking Hobbes on ‘independency’ and toleration”, Review of Politics, 78(1), pp. 1–25.
Bejan, T. (2016) “Locke on toleration, (IN)civility and the quest for concord”, History of Political Thought, 37(3), pp. 556–587.
Bejan, T. (2016) “John Locke on toleration, (in)civility, and the quest for concord”, History of Political Thought, 37(3), pp. 556–587.
Bejan, T. (2016) “Difference without disagreement: re-thinking Hobbes on toleration and ’Independency’”, Review of Politics, 78(01), pp. 1–25.


Bejan, T. (2015) “Evangelical Toleration”, Journal of Politics, 77(4), pp. 1103–1114.


Bejan, T. (2014) “Exodus and Liberation: Deliverance Politics from John Calvin to Martin Luther King, Jr. By John Coffey . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2013. 320pp. $34.95 cloth”, Politics and Religion, 7(4), pp. 852–855.
Bejan, T. (2014) “Review of John Coffey’s ’Exodus and Liberation’”, Politics and Religion, 7(4), pp. 852–855.


Bejan, T. (2012) “’The Bond of Civility’: Roger Williams on toleration and its limits”, History of European Ideas, 37(4), pp. 409–420.


Bejan, T. (2010) “Teaching the Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on education”, Oxford Review of Education, 36(5), pp. 607–626.



Bejan, T. (2017) Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration. Harvard University Press.



Bejan, T. (2018) “First impressions: Hobbes on religion, education, and the metaphor of imprinting”, in L. van Apeldoorn and R. Douglass (eds.) Hobbes on Politics and Religion. Oxford University Press.


Bejan, T. (2015) “‘When the Word of The Lord Runs Freely: Roger Williams and Evangelical Toleration’”, in C. Beneke and C. Grenda (eds.) Lively Experiment: Religious Toleration in America from Roger Williams to the Present. Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 65–84.


Bejan, T. and Garsten, B. (2014) “The Difficult Work of Liberal Civility”, in Civility, Legality, and Justice in America. Cambridge University Press (CUP), pp. 15–45.


Bejan, T. (2013) “Teaching the Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on education”, in Ideas of Education: Philosophy and Politics from Plato to Dewey, pp. 83–102.
Bejan, T. (no date) “’What’s the Use? Rainer Forst on the History of Toleration’”, in R. Forst and D. Owen (eds.) Toleration and Power. Manchester University Press.

Conference Papers


Bejan, T. (2018) “A Reply to My Readers”, in Review of Politics, pp. 528–532.


Bejan, T. and Jones, C. (2016) “Reconsidering tolerance: Theory and Practice for the 21st Century”, in American Political Science Association.

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