Lisa Klaassen
Lisa is an MPhil student in International Relations. Her research focuses on African foreign policy and the security axis of Sino-African and Russian-African relations. She is a member of Lincoln College, and Consul of the Oxford University China-Africa Network.
Prior to joining Oxford, Lisa graduated with Distinction from the University of Cambridge, with a BA (Hons) in English. Since then, she has worked as a Research Analyst at the Rift Valley Institute, Publications Manager for Institut Montaigne, Intelligence Analyst at Dragonfly Intelligence, and Research Assistant at Cambridge University’s Centre of African Studies.
Adjacent to her studies, Lisa has pursued her distinct interest in communication and current affairs as a journalist for The Cambridge Globalist, Senior Editor for The Cambridge Journal of Political Affairs, Policy Paper Writer for The Wilberforce Society, Features Writer for Varsity, and Chair of Cambridge University Amnesty International. Most recently, her writings have appeared in the LSE’s China Dialogues and the OxPol Blog.