Joanna Wood
MA Cantab, MA Sussex, FRSA
Research Topic:
A DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Department of Politics and International Relations, my research recovers and evaluates the international thinking of historical women in the United States academy from 1919 to 1949. Focused on the interconnected, critical mass of largely Eastern institutions, especially women’s colleges and historically black colleges and universities, I use extensive archival research in the US to find thinkers and analyse their work, both published and unpublished. In 2019-20, I held the Joan Challinor Award at the Schlesinger Library, Harvard, and my research has been supported by grants from the British International Studies Association and the European International Studies Association.
Previously I read History at Cambridge and an MA in International Relations at Sussex and was the Managing Editor of the European Journal of International Relations.