Alejandro Posada Téllez
BA SOAS, MA Sciences Po, MSc LSE
Research Topic:
I am a DPhil candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford. My doctoral project explores the intersection between the politics of victimhood and peacebuilding, focusing on the experiences of Colombia, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, and the United Kingdom in the aftermath of war. My research is being generously funded by the Colombian Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias).
I hold a BA in Politics and International Relations from SOAS, University of London; a Master in International Security from Sciences Po PSIA; and an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics.
- International Security
- Peacebuilding
- Post-conflict transitions
- Reconciliation
- Transitional Justice
- Collective memory
- Discourse and narratives
- Spanish (fluent)
- English (fluent)
- Italian (fluent)
- French (proficient)
Professional Experience
I am currently the UK Coordinator of peacebuilding organisation Rodeemos el Diálogo (Embrace Dialogue), Member of the OxPeace Steering Committee, and teach International Relations at Merton College and Jesus College, Oxford. Previously, I was Associate Lecturer at the University of Reading, Chief Copy Editor of St. Antony's International Review (STAIR), Research Assistant at Oxford's Global Security Programme, Research Assistant at the University of Bath, and interned at the United Nations Department of Peace Operations, Colombian Embassy in London, Children Change Colombia, and the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (IHJR).
- International Relations (Merton College and Jesus College, University of Oxford)
- International Relations and Strategic Studies (University of Reading)

- Making Peace with God: What Role for Religion in UN Mediation? International Peacekeeping, 31(4), pp.442-472.
- Is peace merely about the attainment of Justice? Transitional Justice in South Africa and the former Yugoslavia. Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and Art, Issue #2, pp.305-309.
- The Negotiation with the EMC: A Key Piece for ‘Total Peace’. With Andrei Gómez-Suárez and Daniel Albarracín. [La Negociación con el EMC: ¿Una Pieza Clave para la ‘Paz Total?]. La Silla Vacía. Dec. 2023.
- Policy Brief: Ten Years of Peace Processes in Colombia. Rodeemos el Diálogo. Nov. 2023.
- When Peace Is Not Enough, with Mario Carvajal-Cabal. Oxford Review of Books, 6(3), pp.10-12.
- Seven Years of the Agreement with the FARC: Lessons for Peace, with Andrei Gómez-Suárez. [Siete Años de la Firma del Acuerdo con las FARC: Lecciones para la Paz]. La Silla Vacía. Nov. 2023.
- Economic Policy as a Tool for Promoting Peace. OxJournal. Sept. 2023.
- What we have Learnt from Colombia’s Gustavo Petro First Year in Office, with Mario Carvajal-Cabal and Álvaro Llano. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Blog. July 2023.
- The First Step Towards ‘Total Peace’ in Colombia, co-authored with Gwen Burnyeat and Andrei Gómez-Suárez. RedAnalysis. November 22, 2022.
- Explaining the Endurance of the ‘Holy Trinity’ in United Nations Peacekeeping. Oxford Political Review. June 29th 2022.
- Why Strenghtening the Rule of Law Matters in Transitional Justice. The Oxford University Politics Blog (OxPol). May 17, 2022.
- Desafíos de los Países en Desarrollo en la Diplomacia Climática [The Challenges for Developing Countries in Climate Diplomacy]. Voces que Tejen – Memoria Colectiva. October 5, 2021.
- Posada Téllez, A., 2020. Narrativas, Eufemismos y Violencia: Una Mirada Alternativa a la Reproducción del Conflicto Armado en Colombia. [Narratives, Euphemisms and Violence: An Alternative View of the Reproduction of Armed Conflict in Colombia]. Centro de Estudios de Seguridad y Paz, No.1 (September 2020), pp.4-6.