International Governance of War-Torn Territories: Rule and Reconstruction
Since the mid-1990s the United Nations and other multilateral organizations have been entrusted with exceptional authority for the administration of war-torn and strife-ridden territories. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eastern Slavonia, Kosovo, and East Timor these organizations have assumed responsibility for governance to a degree unprecedented in recent history. These initiatives represent some of the boldest experiments in the management and settlement of intra-state conflict ever attempted by third parties.
Exit Strategies and State Building
In the past two decades, states and multilateral organizations have devoted considerable resources toward efforts to stabilize peace and rebuild war-torn societies in places such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and Sierra Leone. Despite these prodigious efforts, there has been relatively little consideration of the critical questions arising from the "end game" of state-building operations. In Exit Strategies and State Building, sixteen leading scholars and practitioners focus on relevant historical and contemporary cases of exit to provide a comprehensive overview of this crucial issue.
Reshaping Democracy after Authoritarianism: Responses to Neo-Fascism in Europe
Media, Cultural Consumption and Normative Support for Democracy in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
The Politics Violence Frontier
Origins of modern international political thought
A conversation with John Mearsheimer on American grand strategy, the state of IR theory and other topics
On 17 June 2014 John Mearsheimer (R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago) visited Oxford, and gave a talk on American grand strategy and consequences for Europe of the US pivot to Asia.
The event was co-sponsored by the Centre for International Studies and the Changing Character of War Programme.
Does Europe need a demos to be truly democratic?
Prof. Daniel Innerarity (University of the Basque Country / Basque Founcation for Science) answers the question Does Europe need a demos to be truly democratic?, followed by a discussion with Prof. Kalypso Nicoladis (St Antonys College, University of Oxford).
This event was co-hosted by the European Studies Centre (ESC) and the Centre for International Studies (CIS).
What is Israel Studies?
Professor Derek J Penslar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies, delivered his inaugural lecture entitled What is Israel Studies, co-hosted by the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, the Department of Politics and International Relations, and St Annes College.