'ISIS in the eyes of the world-wide Arab community on social media: between sentiment and foreign fighters'
Speakers: Luigi Curini and Stefano Iacus (University of Milan); Discussant: Max Smeets (St John’s College); Convenor: Duncan Snidal
Speakers: Luigi Curini and Stefano Iacus (University of Milan); Discussant: Max Smeets (St John’s College); Convenor: Duncan Snidal
In the first part conceptual issues of robotics are clarified, and an overview is given of the current state of technical development.
A panel discussion on Dr Scilla Elworthy's new book Pioneering the Possible: Awakened Leadership for a World That Works and the Oxford launch of Rising Women Rising World
On the panel:
Professor Richard Caplan (Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford)
Dr Rama Mani (Senior Research Associate of the University of Oxford’s Centre for International Studies, received the 2013 Peter Becker Peace Prize for 25 years peace activism and scholarship, co-founder of Rising Women Rising World)
Stuart White, Director of the Public Policy Unit, DPIR
On Tuesday 25 February, from 13:00 to 17:00, the Department of Politics and International Relations hosted an event on the subject of Academic Blogging: Political Analysis in the Digital Age in the Lecture Theatre of Manor Road Building.
Federico Fabbrini (Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen) delivered a talk on his book manuscript 'Economic Governance in Europe: Comparative Paradoxes and Constitutional Challenges'.