Oxford Minds Panel Discussion: Archives

The series

For Trinity Term we are focussing on research methods. The aim of these sessions is really to excite an interdisciplinary audience of graduates to understand how different methods are being used creatively across the social sciences. The panel discussions will be held during the first four weeks of term and will focus on ‘interviews’ in week 1, ‘numbers’ (quant methods) in week 2, ‘archives’ in week 3, and ‘ethnogrpahy’ in week 4.


Orchestration: China’s Economic Statecraft across Asia and Europe

In this talk, James Reilly will discuss his new book on China’s economic statecraft. Drawing on extensive field research, Orchestration traces the origins, operations and effectiveness of Beijing’s economic statecraft across Asia and Europe. China’s unique experience as a planned economy, and then a developmental state, all under a single Leninist party, left Chinese leaders with unchallenged authority over their economy.

‘Peace in the Nuclear Era: threats, treaties and public understanding’

Welcome to the 2021 OxPeace Conference, on ‘Peace in the Nuclear Era’. This conference aims to look at the present state of nuclear treaties and nuclear capabilities, consider future threats and opportunities, and assess public understanding and the role of civil society in determining future directions. An opportunity to learn facts and assess where the world is heading in this vital area for peace, conflict and international diplomacy.

Tarun Khaitan engages with Cécile Fabre

Professor Tarun Khaitan engages with Professor Cécile Fabre, and her paper entitled, 'Doxastic wrongs and true beliefs'. Join us for the last PLP Colloquium of this academic year, which is sure to be a very exciting one! The event will take place on Zoom, so please make sure to register by sending an email to oxfordplpevents@gmail.com in order to receive the paper and the Zoom link.

Lederhosen, Dirndl and a Sense of Belonging: Jews and Trachten in pre-1938 Austria

In June 1938, only four months after the so-called Anschluss, the Nazi administration in Salzburg region announced a ban on Jews and other non-Aryans dressing in local Volkstrachten—both authentic and popularised styles. This Trachtenverbot highlighted specific forbidden garments—Lederhosen, traditional fulled-wool jackets, white Wadenstutzen, alpine hats and Dirndl—and anyone in breach of the rules was subject to a fine of 133 marks or a period of 2 weeks in prison.

“A Foreign and Grating Language”? Yiddish In Israel – A History

Challenging the commonly held view that Yiddish was suppressed and even banned by the Israeli authorities, Rachel Rojanski offers a radical new interpretation of the interaction between Yiddish and Israeli Hebrew culture. Based on detailed archival research, this talk will follow the development of Yiddish in Israel and present Yiddish culture’s vibrant growth in Israel’s first decades. It will argue that although the Israeli leadership made promoting Hebrew a high priority, it did not have an explicit policy on Yiddish.

Between Exclusion and Intersection: Heidegger’s Philosophy and Jewish Volkism

The German philosopher Martin Heidegger's idiosyncratic and deeply philosophical account of the German volk stood at the heart of his political support of National Socialism. This, however, did not prevent some of his Jewish thinkers to identify with the volkish elements in his philosophy and find them pertinent for describing their own condition as Jews in the modern world.
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