'Citizens' Wealth' book launch at the British Academy

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This event took place at the British Academy on 13 September 2016.  You can read more about this event by clicking here: http://citizenswealth.net/upcomingevents/?event_id1=3

Angela Cummine's new book Citizens' Wealth was launched last week, with no less than three talks on the book and its themes in London and Oxford.

Does Inequality Matter? Social Justice and Political Theory

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Daniel Butt, associate Professor in Political Theory, examines the moral significance of inequality within and between modern states, and asks what we might be prepared to do, and not do, in the name of egalitarianism.

This event was part of Meeting Minds: The University of Oxford Alumni Weekend 2016. More information including the weekend event programme can be found here: https://www.alumni.ox.ac.uk/alumni_home

Shifting Legal Visions: Judicial Change and Human Rights Trials in Latin America

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What explains the success of criminal prosecutions against former Latin American officials accused of human rights violations? Why did some judiciaries evolve from unresponsive bureaucracies into protectors of victim rights? Using a theory of judicial action inspired by sociological institutionalism, this book argues that this was the result of deep transformations in the legal preferences of judges and prosecutors.

Securing Peace in the Borderlands: A Post-Agreement Strategy for Colombia

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A comprehensive post-agreement strategy for Colombia requires a particular focus on the country’s borderlands where it will need to move:

• From state neglect to sustainable development;

• From insecurity produced by multiple violent non-state groups to citizen security which is focused on people;

• From transnational organised crime to lawful economic cross-border opportunities.

Influencing Clients in Counterinsurgency: U.S. Involvement in El Salvador's Civil War, 1979–92

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After a decade and a half of counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. policymakers want to change their approach to COIN by providing aid and advice to local governments rather than directly intervening with U.S. forces. Both this strategy and U.S. counterinsurgency doctrine in general, however, do not acknowledge the difficulty of convincing clients to follow U.S. COIN prescriptions.

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