From Integrated Deterrence to Integrated Defense

Sandwiches will be served from 12.40. Please note that this seminar will finish earlier than usual, at 14.00, discussion will continue in the Kings Arms.

This presentation is an in-progress update of a research effort aimed at improving the US Defense Department’s concept of Integrated Deterrence. It discusses some of the concept’s difficulties as brought to light by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It offers some potential remedies as well.

Challenges and Prospects for "Total Peace" in Colombia

This panel is the first event in the UK to take stock of the current state of the peace process(es) in Colombia, the “total peace” policy of President Gustavo Petro, and the challenges and opportunities of the current moment. Bringing together academics and practitioners, we will explore the peace talks between the government and the ELN guerrilla group, the legal framework created to negotiate with illegal armed groups, implementation of the 2016 peace accord with the FARC, and overall, the developments in peacebuilding since Petro took power last August and prospects for the future.

Book Talk | A World of Insecurity: Democratic Disenchantment in Rich and Poor Countries

“An ambitious account of the corrosion of liberal democracy in rich and poor countries alike, arguing that antidemocratic sentiment reflects fear of material and cultural loss, not a critique of liberalism’s failure to deliver equality, and suggesting possible ways out”

Professor Bardhan is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics at University of California, Berkeley

Find out more about the book at

Book launch: Good Governance in Nigeria

Join St Anne's College and the African Studies Centre for the launch of Dr Portia Roelofs new book, Good Governance in Nigeria: Rethinking Accountability and Transparency in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge University Press, 2023). The book draws on in-depth fieldwork in Nigeria to show how Nigerian political practice and thinking can inform alternative theorisations of accountability and transparency as part of a more socially-embedded understanding of good governance.

Nadila Ali

Nadila Ali is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford. Her current research explores the use of local peace agreements and ‘people-to-people’ reconciliation in the context of international peacebuilding interventions. Her broader research interests include identity-based conflict, armed group dynamics, peace processes, third-party mediation, and conflict resolution/transformation. Nadila is also a member of the Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace).

Tierney Hall

Tierney Hall is reading for an MPhil in International Relations. Her research focuses on the politics of state cooperation and competition in international health institutions. Her academic interests include international health institutions; global health diplomacy; refugee resettlement policy; and refugee health.

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