The Asymmetry of Obstacles to Peace in Israel and Palestine

Obstacles to peace between Israel and Palestine lack symmetry. Simple trade-offs (“You give me this piece of land and I’ll give you that other piece”. Or, “you refrain from this particular activity and I’ll refrain from that activity.”) will not clear these hurdles. Rather, the principal obstacles appear to be territorial on Israeli side, but attitudinal on the Palestinian.

Entangled Objects, Entangled Nations: Partition and Museums in Lahore and Chandigarh

This presentation presents a new history of the Lahore Museum in Pakistan, an institution whose collections of art and archaeological were dramatically divided between India and Pakistan in response to the partition of 1947. This history upholds the material archive, as an essential vantage point from which to understand the partition’s empirical, epistemological, and emotional ramifications for art and society in South Asia.

Documenting oral histories of Partition collaboratively across a communal divide

Dr. Guneeta Singh Bhalla is founder of The 1947 Partition Archive, an organization that documents oral histories from survivors of India and Pakistan's 1947 Partition, also known as the world's largest mass refugee crisis. After a 2008 visit to the oral testimony archives at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial she was inspired and began interviewing Partition witnesses in 2009. It was a deeply enriching experience and she wanted to make the art of oral history accessible to everyone.

Kyoto Prize at Oxford: Lecture and performance by tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain

The pre-eminent tabla virtuoso of our time and chief architect of the contemporary world music movement Zakir Hussain (2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Arts and Philosophy) will be live in Oxford for a live lecture and performance as part of the Kyoto Prize at Oxford.

Zakir Hussain has transcended the framework of traditional Indian music and opened up a new world of music by collaborating with musicians of various genres from around the world. With his superb technique, engaging performances, and rich creativity, he has made a tremendous impact on musicians and music worldwide.

Kyoto Prize at Oxford: Laureates' panel: the Kyoto Prize Laureates in conversation with Professor Ngaire Woods

For this special online session as part of the Kyoto Prize at Oxford 2023 celebrations, the laureates join Professor Ngaire Woods, Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government to discuss collaboration across boundaries and the challenges of navigating the relationship between government and academia.

Kyoto Prize at Oxford: A personal journey through the information revolution by engineer and applied physicist Carver Mead

Pioneer of modern microelectronics Carver Mead (2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology) whose technological innovations form the foundations of modern very-large-scale integration chip design gives the Kyoto Prize at Oxford public lecture remotely.
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