The Research Committee has recently approved two new policies on sharing a proportion of overhead income on research awards and Department administration for externally-funded units.
Information about sharing overheads on research awards
The Department will consider requests to give award holders a proportion of the overheads on their grants for extra, unforeseen research expenses. For more information, please see 6.16 Externally-funded Research Grant Overheads: Policy and Procedure ( in the Staff Handbook (Department Staff Only).
Department administration for externally-funded units
This document sets out the Department`s policy and procedures for ensuring that its costs are covered and that Department Administrative Staff time in support of these units` activities is reimbursed to the Department. for more information, please see 6.17 Department Administration for Externally-funded Units ( in the Staff Handbook (Department Staff Only).
If you have any queries about these documents or any other documents in Section 6 of the Handbook, please contact Esther Byrom, Senior Research Support Officer, in the first instance.