
Tarik Abou-Chadi to join DPIR


The Department is delighted to announce Tarik Abou-Chadi will join the team in September 2021 as the Associate Professor in European Union and Comparative European Politics with Nuffield College.


Tarik is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich and the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau. He holds a PhD from Humboldt University Berlin.

His current research investigates the electoral crisis of social democratic parties and he is the principle investigator of the research project “Social status and the transformation of electoral behaviour in Western Europe”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Tarik’s co-authored 2016 article “Moderate as Necessary: The Role of Electoral Competitiveness and Party Size in Explaining Parties’ Policy Shifts” in the Journal of Politics won the Lawrence Longley award of the American Political Science Association.

His research has appeared in leading political science journals such as the American Political Science Review, World Politics, and the British Journal of Political Science. In a co-authored article with Markus Wagner in the Journal of Politics in 2019, he demonstrates which policy bundles are associated with better electoral results for social democratic parties. They are currently working on a book manuscript that explores sources of success and electoral decline for social democratic parties.

Tarik also produces and hosts the podcast “Transformation of European Politics

“I am very much looking forward to teaching and supervising students with a broad range of interests and diverse backgrounds,” he said.

“I am also very excited about the interdisciplinary exchange at Nuffield College.”

Further reading: