Scotlands Choices: The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards
Scotlands voters are promised a referendum on independence in autumn 2014. If they reject independence, the proposed changes from the Calman Commissions review on Scottish Devolution will most likely be put in place.
But what will happen after the referendum? How will Westminster and the rest of the UK respond? What would a Calman regime entail? Is it even clear what independence will mean? What about the oil? What will the currency be? What will happen to the Old Age Pension pot if the UK splits?
This book explains what will happen after the referendum in clear language, focusing on how each of the options would be practically put into place. It is written by leading experts including Oxford Professor of Politics, Iain McLean. Co authors are Guy Lodge, Gwilym Gibbon Fellow at Nuffield College and Associate Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research and Jim Gallagher, Gwilym Gibbon Fellow, former director-general for devolution in the UK government and a former adviser to the Prime Minister on devolution strategy.