Professor Kalypso Nicoladis explores the likelihood of an independent Scotland remaining within the EU
Kalypso Nicoladis has written an article for Verfassungsblog (11 September), a German constitutionalist blog, about whether an independent Scotland might be able to remain in the European Union.
Kalypso writes, "A spectre haunts Europe: disintegration. The on-going drama of the Euro-crisis and talk of Xits, from Grexit and Brexit have made it so. This may be why so many EU officials have found it wise to comment on the Scottish referendum and have done so as EU officials rather than in their personal capacity, affirming with great aplomb that a YES to independence would likely mean a NO to the EU. Why the urge? As both Sionaidh Douglas-Scott and Joseph Weiler make clear, the legal case is, if not exactly clear-cut, at least tractable."
You can also read the latest Politics In Spires series: 'A Separate or United Kingdom: The context and consequences of the independence referendum', such as 'An independent Scotland in the EU' by Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (see above) and 'Scottish and British Identity' by Professor David Miller.