Professor Jennifer Welsh offers views on the UN Security Councils response to unrest in Libya
Jennifer Welsh was interviewed for a programme called Middle East: Days Of Protest on the BBC World Service (25 February), concerning the options that the United Nations Security Council may take in intervening with the current situation in Libya.
At that point, the Council had not passed its resolution, and so various options were on the table. Jennifer indicated what measures she thought would be most likely - which were targeted sanctions on individuals, and an inquiry into the alleged commission of crimes against humanity. She also offered her view as to why more coercive options, like no-fly zones or military force, would be less likely.
Recent statements from United States Defence Secretary Robert Gates, indicating that enforcing a no-fly zone would amount to an attack on Libya, suggest that he currently shares this latter view.
Jennifers interview can be heard here (starting at approx 34:50 minutes).