Professor Ian Neary has been appointed to the Headship of the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies (SIAS) for a period of three years from 1 October 2011.
SIAS is an umbrella organisation that covers and coordinates the activities of most of the area studies units in the Social Sciences Division. It embraces the study of Japan, China, Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent.
On the future and direction of SIAS, Ian has said, The school has developed rapidly since its foundation in 2004 during a period of relative prosperity for the academic community as a whole. Area studies are always particularly vulnerable when resources become scarce. However the rationale for establishing SIAS in the first place included the idea that area units could collectively support each other so they can thrive during periods of growthand contraction. Area studies at Oxford University has deep roots and is probably better established here than anywhere else in the UK. The challenge for SIAS heads over the next decade will be to resist pressure to contract and seek ways to develop in the face of overall reduction in central government support.