David Anderson has made a BBC radio programme on the Mau Mau uprising. The programme, for the highly-regarded Witness series, was compiled and produced by the BBCs Louise Hidalgo to commemorate the anniversaries of the declaration of Emergency in October 1952 and the capture of the rebel leader Dedan Kimathi exactly four years later in 1956. A podcast of the programme, entitled Mau Mau uprising, is available at http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/witness.
David has also contributed to a BBC television programme celebrating the role of Scots adventurers in the exploration of Africa. Part of a series entitled Scots Who Found the Modern World, the programme follows the travels of several Scots explorers in Africa from the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from Mungo Park and John Kirk. The Africa programme, the first in the four part series, can be viewed on the BBC iPlayer, at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b016n637/Scots_Who_Found_the_Modern_Africa/.