Professor David Anderson expert witness at the High Court on Mau Mau rebellion and commentator on Britains imperial legacy
Professor David Anderson has recently been consulted by news outlets on the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. David is acting as expert witness on behalf of Kenyan claimants at the High Court in London, who are suing the British Government for its alleged misconduct in response to the rebellion.
An article by Ben Macintyre in The Times (6 April, page 9) contains comments by David, on the day of the release of secret colonial files by the British government on the uprising.The article can be accessed by subscribers to Times Onlinehere. Following the release of information during the early stages of the trial, Professor Andersons comments were cited again by Ben Macintyre on the front page of The Times (8 April), which can be found here, and in an article by the same author the next day (page 9), which can be found here. An article by Owen Bowcott in The Guardian (8 April, page 9) also contains commentary by Professor Anderson. The article can be found here. The Times (7 April, page 23) published a comment piece by David, in which he argued that [t]his was not how the British Empire was supposed to be. The article can be found here.
David was also interviewed on the BBC World Service (5 April) about the practice of detention without trial during the rebellion. The interview can be found here (around 50:00 on the iPlayer clock). Professor Anderson was also interviewd on Radio 4s Today Programme (7 April), commenting that, [a]t cabinet level, the secretary of state for the colonies certainly knew of the excesses. The interview can be found here. David also appeared on BBC Radio 4 (8 April), BBC Radio Scotland (8 April), and the BBC News Channel (10 April).
Davids assessments also were included in an article by Tony Rennell in The Daily Mail, 12 April, page 15. Professor Andersons witness statement for the trial was cited in a piece by Billy Kenber in The Times, 14 April, page 19. Subscribers to Times Online can find the article here.