
Professor Catherine de Vries selected as a Young Global Leader in the World Economic Forum


Congratulations to Professor Catherine de Vries, who has recently been selected as a Young Global Leader in the World Economic Forum.

The World Economic Forum describes the Forum of Young Global Leaders as follows:

The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a unique, multistakeholder community of more than 700 exceptional young leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future.

Young Global Leaders represent the future of leadership, coming from all regions of the world and representing business, government, civil society, arts & culture, academia and media, as well as social entrepreneurs.

Nominated under 40, these young leaders are proposed through a qualified nomination process and assessed according to rigorous selection criteria that creates a diverse and truly representative body, while accepting only the very best leaders who have already demonstrated their commitment to serving society at large.

[...] After their tenure of five years, YGLs can join the YGL Alumni Community.

You can learn more about the Forum by clicking here, and you can find a list of all 199 of this years honourees by clicking here.