Evelyn Goh & Sheldon Simon, eds., China, the United States, and Southeast Asia: Contending Perspectives on Politics, security, and Economics (London: Routledge, 2007).
China`s emergence as a great power is a global concern that can potentially alter the structure of world politics. Its rise is multidimensional, affecting the political, security, and economic affairs of all states that comprise the world`s fastest developing region of the Asia-Pacific.
Most of the recently published studies on China`s rise have focused on its relations with its immediate neighbours in Northeast Asia: Japan, the Koreas, Taiwan and Russia. Less attention has been given to Southeast Asia`s relations with China. To address these issues, this volume, with its wide range of perspectives, will make a valuable contribution to the ongoing policy and academic dialogue on a rising China. It examines a range of perspectives on the nature of China`s rise and its implications for Southeast Asian states as well as US interests in the region.
Dr Evelyn Goh is University Lecturer in International Relations, Department of Politics and International Relations, St Anne`s College.