Hanna Notte speaks to Carnegie Moscow Centre on who is leaving Russia to join the Caliphate
Hanna Notte has given a talk (28 January) to the Carnegie Moscow Centre entitled 'Path to the Caliphate: Who is heading there from Russia and the other CIS countries and why?'
This was part of a seminar that asked:
What is the degree of influence of "Islamic State" (the organization is banned in Russia) on the Muslims of Russia and other CIS countries?
How exactly does the recruitment take place, and what is a typical portrait of the "emigrant terrorist"?
What measures have been carried out to counter the spread of a destructive radical Islamist ideology, and which are planned for the future?
The full transcript for the event is available for download here.
Hanna Notte is Doctoral Candidate in International Relations, University of Oxford, Alfa Fellow at the Moscow Carnegie Center and Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences).