
Dr Gwendolyn Sasse on the Ukraine crisis and its wider context


Gwendolyn Sasse has been offering further comment in the media (click here to read about her recent news appearances) on the recent election in Ukraine.

On 22 May she was quoted in the Brazilian economic newspaper Valor Economico in a piece that roughly translates as 'Ukraine will have crucial election on Sunday; "Chocolate King" is the favourite' (a reference to the leading candidate being a confectionary mogul). She commented that much depended on the level of turnout, and that participation from more than 70% of the electorate could be interpreted as a show of support for the current regime.

She was also interviewed and quoted by the Christian Science Monitor on 25 May, for a piece entitled 'Confused about what's at stake in Ukraine's elections? Here are five things to know'.

Gwendolyn also appeared in an episode of BBC Radio 3's 'Free Thinking' series, discussing the wider context behind the current state of Ukraine specifically and the link between culture and politics in Central and Eastern Europe generally. In the programme she talked about the worrying way in which media analysis of the Ukraine crisis has slipped into Cold War mentality.

She has also written a piece for Carnegie Europe (30 May) entitled 'Quo Vadis, Postelection Ukraine?' :