David Goldey was the Politics Fellow at Lincoln College for almost four decades. He played a leading role in selecting, mentoring, supervising and supporting successive cohorts of PPE students throughout that long and changing period. He was a traditional college tutor, and much appreciated for his dedication in that duty. His unfailing sense of humour, and tirelessinterest in his charges, marked him out as one of the best in that hallowed and exacting role.
His doctorate and most of his academic publications concerned the endlessly puzzling and fascinating institutional politics of France, and after the death of his close colleague Philip Williams (in 1984) he took over as a leading commentator on French electoral and party politics in particular. He also coveredsimilar aspects ofthe politics of the USA (he was born in New york in 1936). But in addition, and as a result of his marriage to the anthropologist Patricia Goldey (who passed away two years ago), in the latter part of his career he developed a special interest in the political evolution of Portugal, where he acquired an extra circle of friends and admirers.
My last proper encounter with him was at a conference in London last Novemberdiscussing the latest research on the nature of the Salazar dictatorship and its aftermath. His comments were as generous and insightful as ever. He will be sorely missed, not only in Oxford but across the world wherever his many friends and former studentsare distributed.