
Andrea Ruggeri

BA Genova, MA PhD Essex

Professor of Political Science and International Relations, DPIR
Tutorial Fellow in Politics, Brasenose College
Director, Centre for International Studies
International Relations Network
Government and Politics Network
Oxford Conflict, Peace & Security Hub
Brasenose College

Andrea Ruggeri is Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford.

He joined Brasenose College and the Department of Politics an International Relations at the University of Oxford in 2014. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam from 2010. He holds a PhD in Government from the University of Essex (2011), an MA International Relations (Essex, 2006) and a BA in Diplomatic and International Sciences (Genova, 2005).

His current research deals with civil wars and peacekeeping. His broader research interests include collective political violence, state development, and comparative politics in Africa and Middle East.

His research has been published in the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, International Organization, International Peacekeeping, International Studies Review, Political Geography, Political Science Research & Methods and edited volumes. 

Member of the Peace Operations Working group organised by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden) and he is an active member of the Network of European Peace Scientists.

He is in the editorial board of Journal of Peace Research, Il Politico, International Peacekeeping, and Quaderni di Scienza PoliticaHe is part of the international advisory board of Italian Political Science Review/Rivista italiana di Scienza Politica. 

Research Fellow at the Michael Nicholson Centre for Conflict and Cooperation, University of Essex and Associate Member of the Nuffield College, Oxford. He is affiliated with the Oxford Q-Step Center, a new and innovative way to teach Political Science and International Relations at Oxford. He has been co-director of the Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods and visiting professor at the Bocconi University – Milan and University of Genova.


Andrea's research interests include:

United Nations, Groups, Identities and Social Movements, International organisations, Violence, security and conflict, Civil wars , Human rights, Conflict management, Emotions, Ideology, International relations, International security, Methods, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding


BA - Papers

PPE Prelims (with Elias Dinas) - The Practice of Politics,  Michaelmas Term and Hilary Term

International Relations (214), Michaelmas Term and Hilary Term 

International Relations between the two World Wars (212), Michaelmas Term and Hilary Term

International Security & Conflict  

BA - Lectures 

Political Analysis Year 1  ( with Andy Eggers & Robin Harding) - QStep, Hilary Term 

Political Analysis Year 2  ( with Andy Eggers & David Kirk)- QStep, Michaelmas Term 


Collective Political Violence 


Research Design and Methods in International Relations, Michaelmas Term

IR PhD Seminars Workshop ( with Todd Hall), Michaelmas , Hilary and Trinity Term