In recent months, as Russia has stepped up its involvement in the Syrian civil war, there has been a flurry of analysis by Western observers of Moscow's possible objectives. On a spectrum of interpretations concerning Russian actions are claims that the Kremlin's main concern is ensuring the survival of the Assad regime. Others assume broader strategic foreign-policy goals, including no less than a "grand bargain" with the West over the Ukraine crisis and Moscow's re-admission into the club of Western nations.
In light of the limited transparency of Russian strategic thinking, this paper suggests that useful insights can be drawn from historical comparison.
You can read more by clicking here: http://www.mepc.org/journal/middle-east-policy-archives/russia-chechnya-and-syria-pursuit-strategic-goals
Hanna Notte is Doctoral Candidate in International Relations, University of Oxford, Alfa Fellow at the Moscow Carnegie Center and Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences).