How to Defend Inheritance Tax


Inheritance tax is under attack, and not just from the political right. The critics of this tax have dominated the debate over recent years but, as the authors of this Fabian pamphlet argue, inheritance tax is one of the best tools we have for tackling inequality and kick starting Britain’s stalled social mobility.

Defending inheritance tax is not just the responsibility of politicians – there must be a citizen-led campaign too. In ‘How to Defend Inheritance Tax’ the authors provide progressives with the tools they need to win this argument. They set out the evidence on inheritance and inequality, tackle the common objections to the tax, and demonstrate the moral and pragmatic arguments for an inheritance tax.

This pamphlet grounds its arguments in the realities of public opinion, taking objections to inheritance tax seriously and outlining the political strategy we need. It raises a challenge to progressives to reconnect thinking about tax with the moral arguments for social justice.