
Digital News Report


The Reuters Institute Digital News Report is the world’s largest international comparative survey of the major trends in digital news consumption and is widely used by industry, analysts, and researchers across the world. It is supported by many different funders.

In 2020 alone, researchers surveyed over 80,000 digital news users in 40 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania as part of the report. Kenya and the Philippines were included for the first time. Its market coverage has grown annually.

Data from the Digital News Report is made available to industry professionals and other academic researchers worldwide, so that others can explore the data, build charts, and compare dimensions and data types between or within countries and markets.


The Digital News Report has been running since 2012 thanks many generous funders, including BBC News, Google, Ofcom, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, the Dutch Media Authority (CvdM), the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland, the Fritt Ord Foundation in Norway, the Korea Press Foundation, Edelman UK, as well as our academic sponsors at the Hans Bredow Institute, the University of Navarra, the University of Canberra, the Centre d’études sur les médias, Québec, Canada, and Roskilde University in Denmark.

The Open Society Foundations joined in 2019 as a sponsor, allowing expansion of the report to cover South Africa and additional countries in the global south.

Google are the current primary sponsor of the report.

YouGov, our polling company, are key project collaborators, helping our research team analyse and contextualise the data.

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