Session 2: Democracy as Institutions

Dr. Mazen Hassan, Cairo University
Dr. Elisabeth Kendall, University of Oxford

Convened by Professor Stephen Whitefield (University of Oxford, DPIR), Dr. Elisabeth Kendall (University of Oxford), and Mazen Hassan (Cairo University), this seminar brought together academics and practitioners to discuss a range of issues around democracy in contemporary Egypt at Pembroke College, University of Oxford. 

The seminar has been made possible by generous funding from the following sources:

'Support for Democracy in Egypt: A Crucial Point for the Country, A Crucial Test Case for Comparative Politics’ (ESRC Urgent Grant Support, 2013-1)

'The Dynamics of Political Development and its Cultural Expression in Post-Revolutionary Egypt’ (British Academy International Mobility Scheme, 2012) 

Pictures can be found on Twitter: @EgyptOxford. A full programme of the event can be found here.