An international group of researchers convene for a conference examining the place of geopolitics in history and the world today.
The afternoon begins with the The Dasturzada Dr. Jal Pavry Memorial Lecture from Professor Stefano Guzzini (DIIS, Uppsala, PUC-Rio) on the theory, history and definitions of geopolitics.
A panel chaired by Professor Andrew Hurrell (Oxford) follows on the same subject featuring Professor Patricia Owens (Sussex), Professor Michael Williams (Ottowa) and Dr Jean-François Drolet (Queen Mary, London) exploring such topics as the sociological underpinnings and regional variation of geopolitics.
Finally, the lectures conclude with a panel on current geopolitical issues with the cases of Turkey, Brazil, India, Germany and Russia highlighted by panelists Professor Pinar Bilgin (Bilkent), Mr Braz Baracuhy (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Dr Kate Sullivan (Oxford), Professor Hanns Maull (SWP, Berlin) and Professor Neil MacFarlane (Oxford).