The Third Annual Oxford Fulbright Distinguished Lecture in International Relations, International Relations in Science and Medicine, Case Study I: The Uganda Cancer Institute was delivered by Dr Harold E. Varmus, Director, US National Cancer Institute, at 5.00 pm, Friday 3 May 2013 at the Pichette Auditorium, Pembroke College, Oxford.
The lecture was hosted by the University of Oxford in association with the US-UK Fulbright Commission, the Embassy of the United States of America, Pembroke College and the Lois Roth Endowment, and described how the discovery of an unusual childhood cancer by a U.K. investigator in East Africa led to the founding of a center for cancer care, research, and training in Kampala by the U.S. National Cancer Institute; how the UCI has been sustained for over 45 years despite dramatic political changes in Uganda; and what the future now holds for the Center in its efforts to treat cancers more effectively and train new cancer researchers.
Dr Varmuss slides for the talk are also available to view by clicking here.
Economically advanced countries have a variety of reasons to share their expertise in science, technology, and medicine with poor nations. These three lectures will explore the histories of three different programs, addressing three different types of human diseases, in which the United States has formed partnerships with other countries to improve science and public health. Each lecture is intended to illuminate in non-technical language how and by whom these programs were initiated, what the programs achieved, and what lessons can be drawn from them.