Speaker: Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University
Introductions:Professor Andrew Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, andProfessor Ngaire Woods, Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government
Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University) delivered the Fourth Annual Oxford Fulbright Distinguished Lecture on International Relations at the University of Oxford on 23 May 2014 on Causes and Consequences of Growing Inequality - and what can be done about it.
Here you can find a video and audio podcast of the event. The slides from the lecture can be downloaded here.
In the lecture Professor Stiglitz discussed the growing levels of inequality in societies like the United States and Britain, why inequality is a problem, and how the levels of inequality can be reduced.
The event was hosted by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, in association with the US-UK Fulbright Commission, the Embassy of the United States of America, Pembroke College and the Lois Roth Endowment.
(Please note: the title of this lecture was changed from 'Learning from the Great Recession: Lessons for Global Economics, Finance, and Policy'.)