Tristan Boursier
Tristan Boursier is a PhD student in political theory at Sciences Po and the Université de Montréal. He has graduated in political science from the University of Geneva. Since his undergraduate academic years, he is interested in understanding how the diversity of nations, cultures, and identities inform policies. Thus, his researches challenge an old political bias, making the nation the main precondition for political solidarity (solidarity organised by the State). He scrutinises how an in-depth consideration of solidarity is a valuable alternative for resolving the progressive dilemma. His work discusses Will Kymlicka and Keith Banting's findings about multicultural solidarity and contributes to determining how non-domination is a worthy principle for designing solidarity in multicultural societies.
As side projects, he is interested in white supremacism and masculinities. He investigates how current supremacist discourses have evolved to become more mainstream. He develops the concept of timeless supremacism, defined as a new rhetorical supremacist strategy that reaffirms a white perspective of History. He also works on the "crisis of masculinity" as an antifeminist political discourse.