Theo Hickfang
I am DPhil student in Political Theory at Wolfson College and the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. My research is funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
In my thesis, I explore the idea of self-formation from a vantage point of critical theory. More precisely, I aim to answer the question what it might mean for us to form ourselves in an emancipatory fashion. In pursuit of this question, I draw on a great variety of resources. Most notably, I engage with Frankfurt School Critical Theory, the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel (in particular his concept of ‘Bildung’), and approaches to the problem of self-formation in contemporary Anglophone philosophy of action.
In loose connection to my thesis stand two academic side interests of mine. First, the history and philosophical foundations of activity theory in the following of Vygotsky and Leontjev. Second, contemporary German debates on the concept of ‘Bildung’, in particular concerning its relation to theories of subjectivation.
I have taught a number of undergraduate papers at the University of Oxford: the political theory part of the first year ‘Introduction to Politics’ course; the core Finals paper ‘Theory of Politics’; and the paper ‘Marx and Marxism’. In the academic year 2022/23, I was a Stipendiary Lecturer at Mansfield College. I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

‘Bildung, Power and Subversion: Judith Butler’s Theory of Subjectivation as an Approach in Emancipatory Theory of Bildung’, in Quentin Landenne and Nicolas Quèrini (edited), Bildung. The Untimely Actuality of a Modern Idea (Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis: Forthcoming).