Sophie Kubik
I am an MPhil student in Political Theory studying the nature of, and justification for, equality as a political and social value. My dissertation will examine Hannah Arendt's conception of equality as a commitment in conversation with Black Feminist perspectives from Bernice Johnson Reagon and Barbara Smith, among others. I aim to explore the way that competing conceptions of equality underpin our ideas of the political, social, and private spheres, and to locate a conception of equality which might explain the collapse of these spheres into each other which has taken place in the modern age.
I have a secondary research interest in queer and feminist theory. I am particularly interested in the work of Monique Wittig on the ontology of gender, and recent work on this topic by Robin Dembroff, Anca Gheaus, Ásta, and Judith Butler. I also enjoy the history of political thought, particularly the work of Thomas Hobbes.
I completed my undergraduate studies at Amherst College in 2023, where I received a BA in philosophy and French, magna cum laude and with distinction, and wrote an honours thesis entitled "Just Equals: An Exploration of Relational and Distributive Theories of Equality." Outside of the office, I am an avid swimmer-turned-rower, a bartender, and Linacre College's Welfare and Equalities Officer.