Severin Dauer
I am a first-year student in the MPhil in International Relations and a member of St. Anne´s College. Having an interdisciplinary background in economics, politics, finance and philosophy, my research interests are broad, yet geared towards connecting the dynamic, efficient and innovative nature of business with international politics. European integration, identity politics, Middle Eastern affairs and CFSP are amongst my main subjects of inquiry. Outside of my studies, I am involved in several transdisciplinary societies.
Before beginning the MPhil, I obtained a BA in International Relations & Global Economics from Jacobs University Bremen in Germany, graduating cum laude. During my undergraduate studies, I lived in Jerusalem and conducted research on local conflicts as part of a tenure at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute. Besides working in a consultancy and a bank, I founded a charitable start-up, focused on providing capital markets education for students. I also served on various committees within my university, including as co-chair for the university´s start-up competition, Capital Markets Society and Exchange Students Committee. I wrote my bachelor's thesis on the rejection of the JCPOA by regional states.
After completing my studies, I hope to work for the Austrian MFA or the EEAS.
Research Interests:
European CFSP / CSDP
Middle Eastern affairs
Ontological security
Strategic studies
Identity politics and emotions
German (Native)
English (C2)
Spanish (B2)
Portuguese (B2)
French (A2)