Pablo Valdivieso-Kastner
I am a DPhil student in Political Science working on comparative political institutions at the DPIR Oxford. My research spans judicial politics, legislative studies, and constitutional reforms with a regional focus on Latin America.
My DPhil research explores the politics of compliance with High Court decisions in new democracies. I examine the determinants of state and non-state actors' compliance with judicial decisions. Furthermore, I am interested in the effect of High Court monitoring systems on the effective implementation of judicial decisions. Additionally, I delve into public reactions when non-compliance information is made available to citizens.
My other research explores various aspects of legislative politics. In particular, I look at the determinants of vetoes and overrides, as well as the electoral connection of legislative speeches. I also study the causes and consequences of constitutional reforms in Latin American constitutions. My main methodological focus is on quantitative methods and causal inference, and I also use text analysis techniques and qualitative case studies.
My work has appeared in journals like Electoral Studies, Political Research Quarterly, International Journal of Constitutional Law, and Revista de Estudios Políticos. I completed my MA in Politics at the University of Houston and an MSc in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics. I hold an LLB in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.