
Nick Arndt

BA Groningen

Research Topic:

German Defence Policy in the Zeitenwende: security discourse and strategic culture after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
New College
MPhil International Relations

I am a second-year student in the MPhil in International Relations and a member of New College. Together with my colleague A.J, I serve as the course representative for the MPhil IR. I am broadly interested in contemporary German foreign and defence policy. My thesis will investigate the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on German strategic culture.

Before beginning the MPhil, I obtained a BA in History from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, graduating cum laude. During my undergraduate studies, I was also part of the Honours College and took part in an extracurricular interdisciplinary programme for excellent students. I also served on various committees within my university, including a term as an elected member of the faculty council. I wrote my bachelor's thesis on the role of historical responsibility and guilt in German parliamentary debates about foreign policy towards the successor states of the USSR.

Next to my studies, I am the Deputy Treasurer of the Oxford International Relations Society and the New College MCR Welfare Officer.

Research Interests:

  • German foreign and defence policy
  • Strategic Culture
  • Security Studies
  • Memory politics and emotions


  • German (Native)
  • English (C2)
  • French (B1)
  • Spanish (B1)