
Ming Kit Wong

MA MPhil Cantab, MSc Oxon

Research Topic:

Postwar Liberal Anti-Utopian Utopianism
Political Theory Network
Magdalen College
DPhil Politics

I am a DPhil student in Political Theory focusing on postwar anti-utopian liberal thought. My doctoral project is supervised by Professor David Leopold, and it is jointly funded by Magdalen College and the DPIR.

I have remained at Oxford to pursue the DPhil after completing the MSc in Political Theory Research under the supervision of Professor Teresa Bejan. I additionally hold an MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History from Cambridge, where I first read History as an undergraduate.

Alongside my academic work, I currently serve as Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford Political Review, an Oxford-based publication covering current affairs, political theory, and international relations.


My research explores the political thought and intellectual history of the twentieth century and contemporary period.

In my current project, I aim both to reconsider postwar liberal attitudes towards utopia and improve our understanding of contemporary anti-utopianism. I shall do so principally by examining the thought of Judith Shklar and Richard Rorty.

More broadly, I am keenly interested in methodological debates surrounding the study of intellectual history, as well as the relevance of historiography to contemporary politics.