Michaela Coplen
Research Topic:
As a DPhil candidate in DPIR, I am currently researching peacebuilding and negotiation theory in international relations. Prior to the DPhil, I completed the MPhil in International Relations at the University of Oxford as a Marshall Scholar.
My research focuses on four main areas:
- Critical approaches to foreign policy analysis
- Negotiation theory
- Political psychology
- US Foreign Policy
I have experience and training in the following research methodologies:
- Qualitative social science methods including surveys and interviews
- Case study and archival research
Beyond research skills, I have specific expertise in:
- Creative writing and communications
- Editing for academic publications and popular press
- Strategic consulting
While at Oxford I have completed DPIR’s tutor training course and delivered tutorials with undergraduate students studying Politics. I teach the following modules:
- International Relations
- US Politics
My research is supported by awards including the Margaret C Peabody Fellowship in International Relations, the Women in Defense scholarship, grants from the British Fund for Women Graduates and the Humanitarian Trust, and Lincoln College’s Crewe Graduate Scholarship.

Coplen M. (2023) Soft power and the future of US foreign policy, International Affairs 99(6): 2551–2552.
Bjola C., & Coplen M. (2023) Digital Diplomacy in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Lessons and Recommendations. In: Hare, P.W., Manfredi-Sánchez, J.L., Weisbrode, K. (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation. Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations. (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.): 323-342.
Bjola, C., & Coplen, M. (2022). Virtual Venues and International Negotiations: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Negotiation 28(1): 69-93.