Matthew Brack
I manage the Operations and Office Management team, which exists to ensure a conducive working environment for all members of the DPIR community, and represent DPIR on issues related to our Manor Road Building. My responsibilities include:
Departmental Safety Officer: Risk assessment, policy and safety point of contact for staff and students.
Travel Manager: Guidance for travel and fieldwork, travel insurance approvals and incident response.
IT Lead: Equipment policy and maintenance working with the IT Support Group.
Governance: Secretariat for General Purposes Committee (GPC) and Sub-Faculty.
Risk and compliance: Business continuity planning, data protection and departmental risk register.
I am also a Co-chair of the University’s Business and Operations Managers Network.
Prior to joining DPIR in November 2023, I worked as a Senior Programme Manager and Senior Operations and Development Manager at the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine. I previously held project management and administrative positions at the Oxford Department of International Development, Oxford Policy Management, Chatham House and Wellcome Trust.
Key contacts
The Operations and Office Management team manage DPIR's shared mailbox, overseeing incoming queries.