Kye Allen
Research Topic:
I am a DPhil candidate in International Relations (IR) at St Antony's College, University of Oxford. My research - funded by a DPIR Studentship and previously the Governor Phillip Scholarship - explores the history of Anglo-American fascist international thought during the interwar period through to the mid-twentieth century. I am particularly concerned with ideas of fascist internationalism and recovering intersections between far-right actors and the disciplinary history of IR. Beyond my doctoral dissertation, my research also encompasses the study of contemporary forms of far-right extremism.
Awards and Scholarships
DPIR Studentship, University of Oxford (2021-23)
Governor Phillip Scholarship (2019-21)
University Medal, University of Queensland (2018)
Teaching Experience
I have taught the following papers and subjects:
University of Oxford
International Relations
International Relations in the Era of Two World Wars
International Relations in the Era of the Cold War
University of Queensland
Strategic Studies
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Analysis
International Relations of the Twentieth Century
Terrorism and Insurgency in World Politics
Global Media, War, and Technology (Massive Open Online Course)

Journal Articles
- Allen Kye J. 'Why is There No History of Fascist International Thought?'. Millennium (2023): 1-26.
- Allen, Kye J. ‘"A Pro-Fascist English Lady": The International Thought of Muriel Innes Currey'. Global Studies Quarterly 3, no. 1 (2023): 1-13.
- Allen, Kye J. 'An Anarchical Society (of Fascist States): Theorising Illiberal Solidarism’. Review of International Studies 48, no. 3 (2022): 583-603.
- Allen, Kye. ‘Beyond Hitler and Mussolini: TikTok and the Adoration of Minor Fascist Ideologues’. Global Network on Extremism and Technology. 1 July 2024.
- Allen, Kye. 'Fighting Fake War Imagery: Online Misinformation from Military Simulation Games Can Be Mitigated'. Binding Hook. 14 December 2023.
- Allen, Kye. 'Disinformation Down Under: The "Aussie Cossack" and the Indigenous Voice to Parliament'. Oxford Disinformation and Extremism Lab. 8 October 2023.
- Allen, Kye J. 'Blackshirts and Subfuscs'. Oxford Political Review. 16 September 2023.
- Allen, Kye. '"Arktos 2.0": Deplatforming and Digital Innovation in Far-Right Publishing'. Global Network on Extremism and Technology. 16 June 2023.
- Allen, Kye J. ‘Peace Activist, Travel Writer, and Fascist Sympathiser: The Various Lives of Muriel Innes Currey’. Leverhulme Project on Women and the History of International Thought. 11 February 2023.
- Allen, Kye J. ‘Between Imagining and Institutionalising a Society of Fascist States’. British International Studies Association. 16 August 2021.
- Bhattacharya, Shreya and Kye Allen. ‘Is the Charter Cities Moment Here?’. OxPol. 30 October 2020.