Juliet Paiva
I am a second-year MPhil candidate in Political Theory, studying the intersection of democratic theory and political epistemology. My research broadly explores the role of truth in democracy. My MPhil dissertation examines cases of deep disagreement in the age of so-called “post-truth” politics—instances where different groups within democracies cannot agree on facts. Drawing on epistemic theories of deliberative democracy, social epistemology, and group cognition, I argue that the popular post-truth explanations misdiagnose the problem of deep disagreement in democracy. Instead, I contend that the epistemic crisis in contemporary democracies arises in its connection to acts of epistemic injustice, where political groups disregard the epistemic credibility of other groups and thereby dissolve the epistemic ground for deliberation. Before coming to Oxford, I graduated from Columbia University, where I completed a double major in philosophy and political science.