John Dunbabin

Research summary
- 20th century International Relations
- 19th and 20th century British history, more especially rural, electoral, local government, and the finances of Oxford and other universities
Work in progress
A monograph on the politics and diplomacy of the fixing of what is now the US-Canadian border
a) International Relations since 1945
The Cold War: the Great Powers and their Allies (much
revised 2nd edn., Pearson/Longman, Nov.2007, 665pp. -
1rst. edn., 1994)
The Post-Imperial Age: the Great Powers and the Wider
World (Longman: 1994, 549 pp.)
Die Haltung der britischen Regierung in den 50er und 80er
Jahren im Vergleich in Bedrohung durch die
Sowjetunion? Westliche Analysen der politischen
Absichten Moskaus in Zeitvergleich der 50er und 80er
Jahre, ed.Carl-Christoph Schweitzer (Baden-Baden, 1989)
slightly reduced and amended version of the above in
C.C.Schweitzer (ed.), The changing analysis of the
Soviet threat ... (London, 1990) pp.151-66
Potenza economica, forza militare e strategie egemoniche,
Contemporanea: Rivista di Storia dell800 e del 900
[Bologna] v (April 2002) pp.381-94 (review of reissue
of Paul Kennedy, Ascesa e declino delle grande potenze)
La decolonizzazione Britannica, Rassegna, Ricerche di Storia Politica
[Bologna] I/II [Nuova Serie] (April 2011) pp.53-85
b) The League of Nations Place in the International
System, History 1993 pp.421-42
The Security Council in the Wings: Exploring the
Non-involvement of the Security Council in Wars -
in The United Nations Security Council and War, ed. Vaughan Lowe, Sir Adam
Roberts, Jennifer Welsh, Dominik Zaum (O.U.P., 2008 paperback, 2010)
c) The British Military Establishment and the Policy of
Appeasement in Wolfgang Mommsen and Lothar Kettenacker
(eds.), The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of
Appeasement (1983) pp.174-96
British Rearmament in the 1930s: a Chronology and
Review, Historical Journal 1975 pp.587-609
Neville Chamberlains briefwisseling met zijn zusters,
1938-1939 in Het persoonlijke is politiek:
Egodocumenten en politieke cultuur (Remig Aerts, Janny
de Jong, Henk te Velde eds.), (Hilversum, 2002 - ISBN
90-6550-706-x) pp.137-151
d) Rural Discontent in Nineteenth Century Britain (Faber &
Faber, 1974; two other contributors, 240pp. of own
The Revolt of the Field: the agricultural labourers
movement in the 1870s, Past and Present 1963 pp.60-97,
and reply to criticism in ibid. 1964 pp.110-13
The Incidence and Organization of Agricultural Trades
Unionism in the 1870s, Agricultural History Review
1968 pp.114-41
review of Eric Richards, A History of the Highland
Clearances, Vol.2 in Scottish Economic and Social
History vii (1987) pp.86-8
The Demographic Causes of the Industrial Revolution -
Some Qualifications - Journal of European
Economic History [Rome] xxiv (1995) pp.405-10
Can we tell whether Arch raised wages? - Economic History
Review xlix (1996) pp.362-9
e) College Estates and Wealth 1660-1815 in The History
of the University of Oxford, vol.5 (O.U.P., 1986, ed.
L.Sutherland and L.G.Mitchell) pp.269-301
Finance and Property 1800-1914 - ibid. vol.6 Part 1
(ed.M.G.Brock) (1997) pp.375-440
Finance since 1914 - ibid. vol.7 (ed. Brian
Harrison) (1994) pp.639-82
Oxford and Cambridge College Finances, 1871-1913,
Economic History Review 1975 pp.631-47, and reply to
criticism in ibid.1978 pp.446-9
Trends in the Financing of British Universities in the
19th and 20th centuries in Finanzierung von
Universitaet und Wissenschaft in Vergangenheit und
Gegenwart (ed.Rainer Christoph Schwinges) (ISBN 3-7965
-2028-6, Basel, 2005) pp.247-69
f) Some Implications of the 1885 British Shift towards
Single-Member Constituencies: A Note, English
Historical Review 1994 pp.89-100
British elections in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, a regional approach, English Historical
Review 1980 pp.241-67 - translated in M.Brigaglia
(ed.), LOrigine dei partiti politici nellEuropa
contemporanea 1870-1914 (Bologna, 1985)
Parliamentary Elections in Great Britain, 1868-1900: a
Psephological Note, English Historical Review 1967
g) Le riforme elettorali e le loro consequenze nel Regno
Unito, 1865-1895 in La trasformazione politica nell
Europa liberale 1870-1890 (ed.P.Pombeni) (Bologna,1986)
abbreviated version of the above (Electoral Reforms and
their Outcome in the United Kingdom 1865-1900) in
T.R.Gourvish and Alan ODay (eds.), Later Victorian
Britain, 1867-1900 (Macmillan, 1988) pp.93-125
h) British local government reform: the nineteenth century
and after, English Historical Review 1977 pp.777-805
The Politics of the Establishment of County Councils and
Expectations of the New County Councils, and their
realization, Historical Journal 1963 pp.226-52 and
1965 pp.353-79
Lautogoverno locale nellInghilterra dell Ottocento in
N.Matteucci and P.Pombeni (eds.), LOrganizzazione
della politica. Cultura, istituzioni, partiti nell
Europa liberale (Bologna, 1988) pp.397-428
Self-Government e Potere nella tradizione politica e
giuridica inglese in Ettore Albertoni and Massimo
Ganci (eds.), Federalismo, Regionalismo, Autonomismo,
ii (Enna, 1989) - reprinted in E.A.Albertoni (ed.),
Federalismo, Regionalismo, Autonomismo ... (Milan,
i) La Gran Bretagna allinizio del XX secolo: il declino del
night-watchman state, Ricerche di Storia Politica
(Bologna) vii (1992) pp.79-107
j) Oliver Cromwells Popular Image in Nineteenth-Century
England in Britain and the Netherlands (ed.
J.S.Bromley and E.H.Kossman) (1975) pp.141-63
k) Motives for Mapping the Great Lakes: Upper Canada, 1782
-1827, Michigan Historical Review xxxi (Spring 2005)
pp.1-43 reprinted in Mapping in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region,
ed. David I. MacLeod (Michigan State University
Press, East Lansing, Michigan, 2007) pp.91-122
l) The 1831 Dutch Arbitration of the Canadian-American
Boundary Dispute: Another View - New England
Quarterly lxxv (2002) pp.622-46
Red Lines on Maps: the Impact of Cartographical Errors on
the Border between the United States and British
North America, 1782-1842, Imago Mundi l (1997)
Red Lines on Maps Revisited: The Role of Maps in Negotiating and Defending
the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty, Imago Mundi lxiii (2011) pp.39-60