Johann Go
BA BHSc (Auckland), MPhil (Oxford), AFHEA
Research Topic:
Johann is a Rhodes Scholar, doctoral candidate and researcher in political philosophy. He is also a Stipendiary Lecturer in Political Theory. The focus of his doctoral research is on the demands of justice in global health. Johann is jointly supervised by Professor Jonathan Wolff and Professor David Miller.
Johann's academic interests lie broadly in moral and political philosophy. His current interests are in the broad area of global justice, particularly normative questions related to global health and distributive justice. He is also interested in all aspects of applied and normative ethics, methodology in political philosophy, and the intersection between ethics and public policy.
Johann completed an MPhil in Political Theory with Distinction at the University of Oxford in 2021. Prior to joining the Department of Politics and International Relations, Johann was the inaugural Provost's Scholar (2018) at Worcester College, University of Oxford and Academic Visitor in Political Theory (2019). Johann completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Auckland (New Zealand), where he obtained a BA in Philosophy and Politics, as well as a BHSc in Public Health.
Johann is passionate about research and philosophical outreach, and has published several peer-reviewed academic journal articles on a number of topics, as well as several pieces about philosophy in the mainstream media. He is presently Co-Convenor of Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Oxford, and Vice-President of Philiminality.
Johann's research interests include:
International ethics and global Justice,
Refugees and Migration,
Rights, Justice, and Equality,
Equality, International ethics and global justice,
Refugees and migration,
Rights and justice,
Normative theory
Current Appointments: Stipendiary Lecturer in Political Theory, Pembroke College, University of Oxford
Accreditation: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Recipient of a Recognition of Excellence in Teaching Award (2023), Pembroke College, University of Oxford
Undergraduate Teaching:
Introduction to the Theory of Politics
Theory of Politics
Advanced Paper in Theories of Justice
Graduate Teaching:
Philosophy and Public Policy
Foundations of Political Philosophy
Jacobsen Studentship Award (2022) - Royal Institute of Philosophy
Aristotelian Society Student Bursary Award (2022) - Aristotelian Society
College Prize for Academic Distinction (2021) - Worcester College, Oxford
Rhodes Scholarship (2019) - University of Oxford
Provost's Scholarship (2018) - Worcester College, Oxford
Dean's Honours List (2018) - University of Auckland, New Zealand

- Johann Go. (forthcoming). "The Expressive Function of Healthcare." Journal of Ethics.
- Johann Go. (forthcoming). "Facts, Principles, and Global Justice: Does the Real World Matter?" Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
- Johann Go. (2020). "Two-Level Luck Egalitarianism: Reconciling Rights, Respect, and Responsibility," Journal of Value Inquiry 55, (pp. 543–566).
- Johann Go. (2019). “Structure, Choice, and Responsibility.” Ethics and Behavior 30, no. 3 (pp. 230-46).
- Johann Go. (2018). “Should Gender Reassignment Surgery be Publicly Funded?” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15, no. 4 (pp. 527-34).
- Johann Go. (2018). “Mill and the Limits of Freedom of Expression: Truth, Lies, and Harm.” International Journal of Applied Philosophy 32, no. 1 (pp. 1-18).
Conference Papers and Presentations
- "Pluralising Health Disadvantage: Towards Genuine Opportunity for Health." Paper presented at the Recalibrating Global Justice Philosophy Early Career Researchers' Workshop (YTL Centre for Politics, Philosophy and Law, King's College London, October 2022)
- "Disaggregating Structural Injustice." Paper presented at the MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory (University of Manchester, September 2022) and at the Nuffield Political Theory Workshop (Nuffield College, University of Oxford, October 2022)
- "The Expressive Function of Healthcare." Paper presented at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association (University of Hertfordshire, Online, July 2021) and at the Munich Graduate Conference in Ethics 2021 (LMU-Munich, Online, July 2021)
- "Health and Immigration Enforcement." Workshop on Ethical Immigration Enforcement, University of Essex (Online, February 2021)
- "Remedying Global Health Injustice." Invited Talk for Oxford Public Philosophy (May 2020)
- "Health Equity Beyond Borders: Towards Global Health Justice." Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory, University of Warwick (February 2020)
- "Should the state fund gender reassignment surgery?" Institute of Medical Ethics Annual Conference (Oxford, June 2018)
- "The politics and ethics of open borders." Invited Talk for Franks Society Graduate Conference, Worcester College, University of Oxford (May 2018)