Jeffrey Love
Research Topic:
Jeffrey Love is a second year reading the MPhil in International Relations at St Antony’s College. His research uses large language models and natural language processing techniques to investigate the effects of sanctions and economic statecraft. He is supervised by Dr Ranjit Lall.
Prior to studying at Oxford, Jeffrey received a BSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics where he wrote his undergraduate dissertation on the political and economic methods that leaders use to counteract sanctions under the supervision of Dr Nikhil Kalyanpur. Jeffrey served as the President of the US Society at LSE, and course representative in the International Relations Department.
Jeffrey has interned with the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the US State Department, the Global Public Policy Institute, KingSett Capital, and London Politica, where he founded the London Politica Sanctions Program. He is the Co-Editor in Chief of the Oxford Diplomatic Dispatch, the former General Section Editor for the St Antony’s International Review (STAIR), and the GCR Vice President for Academics at St Antony’s College. He is an avid contributor to the Oxford Political Review, Oxford Diplomatic Dispatch, and other journals on international relations.
Research Interests:
- Sanctions
- Economic statecraft
- Quantitative and mixed methodology
- Natural Language Processing (NPL)
- Advanced computational methods