Hew Strachan
BA, MA, PhD (Cantab)
Emeritus Fellow, All Souls College
Chichele Professor of the History of War, Director of Oxford Leverhulme Programme on the Changing Character of War, All Souls College
All Souls College
- Professor of Modern History, University of Glasgow, and Director of the Scottish Centre for War Studies (from 1992 to 2001)
- Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (Life Fellow, 1992) (from 1979 to 1992)
- Senior Lecturer in War Studies and International Affairs, RMA, Sandhurst (from 1978 to 1979)
- Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (from 1975 to 1978)
- Undergraduate (1968–71) then postgraduate (from 1972) , Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (from 1968 to 1975)

Research summary
Military history from the 18th century to date, including contemporary strategic studies, but with particular interest in the First World War and in the history of the British Army
Selected Publications:
- European armies and the conduct of war. (London, 1983)
- Wellingtons legacy: The reform of the British Army 1830-54. (Manchester, 1984)
- From Waterloo to Balaclava: Tactics, technology and the British Army. (Cambridge, 1985)
- The politics of the British Army. (Oxford, 1997)
- (ed.) The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War . (Oxford, 1998) 356pp.
- The First World War: Volume 1: To Arms. Vol 1 (Oxford, 2001) 1227pp.
- The First World War: A New Illustrated History. (London, 2003) 350pp.
- German Strategy in the First World War in Internationale Beziehungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. (Paderborn, 2003) pp. 127-144
- Wer war schuld? Wie es zum Ersten Weltkrieg kam in Der 1. Weltkrieg. Die Ur-Katastrophe des 20.Jahrhunderts. (2004) pp. 240-255
- The First World War in Africa. (Oxford, 2004) 224pp.
- Financing the First World War. (Oxford, 2004) 268pp.
- The Outbreak of the First World War. (Oxford, 2004) 299pp.
- The Entente Cordiale - The Centenary: War and Empire, Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies. Vol 149. no.2 (2004) pp. 40-44
- Britain and Russia 1914-1917 in Russia: War, Peace and Diplomacy. (London, 2005) pp. 56-69
- Total war: the conduct of war, 1939-1945 in A World at Total War. (Cambridge, 2005) pp. 33-52
- The Lost Meaning of Strategy, Survival. Vol 47 (2005) pp. 33-54
- Les histoires militaires officielles de la premiere guerre mondiale in Histoire culturelle de la grande guerre. (Paris, 2005) pp. 45-70
- Strategic bombing and the question of civilian casualties up to 1945 in Firestorm: the bombing of Dresden, 1945. (London, 2006) pp. 1-17
- (ed.) Big wars and small wars: the British army and the lessons of war in the 20th century . (London, 2006) 186pp.
- A general typology of transcultural wars: the modern ages in Transcultural wars from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century. (Berlin, 2006) pp. 85-103
- Training, morale and war, Journal of Contemporary History. Vol 41 (2006) pp. 211-227
- Die Ostfront. Geopolitik, Geographie und Operationen in Die vergessene Front. Der Osten 1914-15. (Paderborn, 2006) pp. 11-26
- Making strategy: civil-military relations after Iraq, Survival. Vol 48 (2006) pp. 59-82
- Armee, Generalstab und das Problem des continental commitment in Grossbritannien 1904 bis 1914 in Der Schlieffenplan. Analysen und Dokumente. (Paderborn, 2006) pp. 267-92
- Time, Space and Barbarisation: the German Army and the Eastern Front in Two World Wars in The Barbarisation of Warfare. (London, 2006) pp. 58-82, 278-81