Gonzalo Contreras Aguirre
Research Topic:
I completed my DPhil in Politics at the University of Oxford in 2024. My research agenda is in the field of Comparative Politics, with a particular interest in the politics of representation, democratic accountability, and citizen involvement in politics. My work has been published or is forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies, Democratization, Policy Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Política y Gobierno, and Revista de Ciencia Política. It has been funded by grants from APSA’s Comparative Politics and Political Organizations and Parties sections. I have also received generous support from the Chilean Government and a variety of grants from Worcester and St Hugh’s Colleges at the University of Oxford.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Contreras, G. Forthcoming. "Outsourcing Machines. How programmatic parties include clientelistic strategies." Comparative Political Studies.
Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2018. "Ethnic solidarity and the vote: Mapuche candidates and voters in Chile." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1371582.
Belmar, F., G. Contreras, M. Morales, C. Troncoso. 2024. “Demanding non-programmatic distribution: Evidence from local governments in Chile.” Policy Studies, Vol. 45(1), 65–88.
Cantillana C., Contreras, G., Morales, M., Oliva, D. and Perelló, L. 2017. "Malestar con la representación democrática en América Latina." Política y Gobierno, vol. 24 (2): 245-274.
Contreras, G., Joignant, A. and Morales, M. 2015. "The return of censitary suffrage? The effects of automatic voter registration and voluntary voting in Chile." Democratization, vol. 22 (1): pp. 1-25.
Cantillana, C., Contreras, G., and Morales, M. 2015. "Elecciones primarias y personalización de la política. El caso de las elecciones locales en Chile 2012." Revista de Ciencia Política, vol. 35 (2), pp: 273-298.
Contreras, G., and Navia, P. 2013. "Diferencias generacionales en la participación electoral en Chile: 1988-2010." Revista de Ciencia Política, vol. 33 (2): pp. 419-441.
Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2017. "Why was the voluntary vote approved in Chile? Reasons and arguments that drove the reform." Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, vol 8 (2), 1-37.
Contreras, G., and Morales, M. 2014. "Jóvenes y participación electoral en Chile 1989-2013. Analizando el efecto del voto voluntario." Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud 12 (2): pp. 597-615.
Contreras, G. and Varas, A. 2015. "Inconsistencia de estatus y conducta electoral en Chile." Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Arturo Prat) 34: pp. 22-46.
Book Chapters
Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2017. "Elecciones presidenciales en Chile 2013. Voto voluntario y sesgo de clase", en El Tsunami Electoral de 2013 en Chile, eds. Garrido, C., Morales, M. and Navia, P. 41-62. Santiago: RIL Editores.
Contreras, G., Morales, M. and Navia, P. 2017. "Primarias presidenciales de 2013 en Chile: Participación y resultados electorales", en El Tsunami Electoral de 2013 en Chile, eds. Garrido, C., Morales, M. and Navia, P. 63-84. Santiago: Ril Editores.
Contreras, G. and Morales, M. 2015. "El sesgo de clase existió y existe. Análisis de la participación electoral en Chile (Municipales 2012 y Presidenciales 2013)", en Condicionantes de la Participación Electoral en Chile, 79-114. Santiago: PNUD.
Contreras, G., Espinoza, A. and Perelló, L. 2012. "El Partido Comunista de Chile en las elecciones municipales: 1992-2008", en Democracia Municipal en Chile 1992-2012, eds. M. Morales and P. Navia, 219-240. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Contreras, G., F. González, M. Morales and D. Oliva. 2012. "Nuevo régimen electoral en Chile. Inscripción automática y voto voluntario", en Democracia Municipal en Chile 1992-2012, eds. M. Morales and P. Navia, 65-94. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Contreras, G., Madera, A. and Torres, J. 2012. "La coordinación partidaria en Chile: análisis de los subpactos de la Concertación en las elecciones municipales 1992-2008", en Democracia Municipal en Chile 1992-2012, eds. M. Morales and P. Navia, 285-306. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Contreras, G. 2010. "La Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia en Chile. Razones de su éxito y factores de su derrota", en El sismo electoral de 2009: Cambio y continuidad en las preferencias políticas de los chilenos, eds. M. Morales and P. Navia,145-164. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.
Seminar Instructor at University College London (Social Research Institute and Department of Political Science):
Impact Evaluation Methods
Introduction to Regression Analysis
Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Senior Post-Graduate Teaching Assistant at University College London (Social Research Institute and Department of Political Science):
Principles of Social Science Research
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
Awards and Honours
Virginia Gray Graduate Student Research Award for the APSA Annual Conference 2023, Los Ángeles, United States, in the Political Organizations and Parties section. 2023.
APSA Organized Section Support Grant for the APSA Annual Conference 2023, Los Ángeles, United States, in the Comparative Politics section. 2023.
APSA First Generation Scholars in the Profession Annual Meeting Travel and Accessibility Grant. Awarded by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs of the American Political Science Association.
APSA Graduate Student Member Support Grant. APSA Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Profession.
Excellence in Student Feedback Award. University College London, Department of Political Science. 2024
Travel Grant funded by Ms. Julia Poschinger-Bray, St. Hugh’s College alumna. University of Oxford. Grant to attend APSA Annual Meeting 2023.
Vacation Course and Travel Grant. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Grant to conduct fieldwork in Santiago, Chile. 2021.
Barbinder Watson Travel Fund. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Grant to conduct fieldwork in Santiago, Chile. 2021.
Marco Villani Graduate Research Grant Fund. St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Travel grant to participate at CEISAL conference, Helsinki, Finland. 2022.
Academic Expenses Grant. Worcester College, University of Oxford. Grant to conduct fieldwork in Santiago, Chile. 2018.
Becas Chile. Fully funded doctoral scholarship, 2019-2023.
Becas Chile. Fully-funded postgraduate scholarship, 2018-2019.
First Class. B.A Political Science. Awarded as the best student, cohort 2008. Department of Political Science, Universidad Diego Portales, 2009.
Merit Scholarship Department of Political Science, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. 2009.
Recent Conferences
09/2024 (upcoming). APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition. “Democracy: Retrenchment, Renovation, & Reimagination.” Philadelphia, USA.
08/2024 (upcoming) ECPR General Conference. University College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland.
06/2024 (upcoming). LASA Conference. “Reaction and Resistance: Imagining Possible Futures in the America.” Bogota, Colombia. Paper accepted as part of the panel “Subnational Politics in Latin America” into the Track “Political Institutions.”
08/2023. APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition. “Rights and Responsibilities in an Age of Mis- and Disinformation.” Los Ángeles, USA.
05/2023. LASA Conference. “América Latina y el Caribe: Pensar, Representar y Luchar por los Derechos.” Vancouver, Canada.
06/2022. The 10th CEISAL International Conference: Uncertain Trajectories: Latin America After Globalization. 13–15 June 2022, Helsinki, Finland.