Bastián González-Bustamante
Research Topic:
I am completing my DPhil (PhD) dissertation in the Department of Politics and International Relations and St Hilda’s College at the University of Oxford. Before starting the DPhil in October 2019, I earned an MA (1st) in Political Science and a BA (2:1) in Government, both from the Universidad de Chile. Moreover, I served as a lecturer at the Universidad de Santiago and Universidad de Chile and as a consultant for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
My doctoral research is supervised by Professor Petra Schleiter and focuses on the causes and consequences of ministerial turnover in 12 Latin American presidential countries from the mid-1970s to date. My project integrates elements of the principal-agent theory to evaluate specific incentives and strategies of the actors in presidential systems, considering the regime’s institutional features. In my data-gathering process, I applied optical character recognition (OCR), natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to almost 50 years of press report archives. In addition, my empirical strategy employs propensity score matching methods, semiparametric competing risks models and instrumental-variable regressions.
My research is funded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), the St Hilda’s College Muriel Wise Fund and the Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Award of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS).

Featured Publications
- González-Bustamante, B., & Aguilar D. (2023, forthcoming). Territorial patterns of open e-government: Evidence from Chilean municipalities. Political Research Exchange.
- González-Bustamante, B. (2022). Ministerial stability during presidential approval crises: The moderating effect of ministers’ attributes on dismissals in Brazil and Chile. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. OnlineFirst.
- Fleming, T. G., González‑Bustamante, B., & Schleiter, P. (2022). Cabinet Reshuffles and Parliamentary No‑Confidence Motions. Government and Opposition. FirstView.
- Orchard, X., & González-Bustamante, B. (2022). Power Hierarchies and Visibility in the News: Exploring Determinants of Politicians’ Presence and Prominence in the Chilean Press (1991-2019). The International Journal of Press/Politics. OnlineFirst.
- González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Evolution and early government responses to COVID-19 in South America. World Development, 137, 105180.
- González-Bustamante, B., Astete, M., & Orvenes, B. (2020). Senior Public Managers: A Novel Dataset on Members of the Chilean Civil Service. Revista de Gestión Pública, IX(2), 151-169.
- González-Bustamante, B. (2020). The Politics‐Administration Dichotomy: A Case Study of the Chilean Executive during the Democratic Post‐Transition. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39(5), 582-597.
- González-Bustamante, B., Carvajal, A., & González, A. (2020). Determinantes del gobierno electrónico en las municipalidades: Evidencia del caso chileno. Gestión y Política Pública, XXIX(1), 97-129.
- Maillet, A., González-Bustamante, B., & Olivares, A. (2019). Public-Private Circulation and the Revolving Door in the Chilean Executive Branch (2000-2014). Latin American Business Review, 20(4), 367-387.
- González-Bustamante, B. (2019). Brechas, representación y congruencia élite-ciudadanía en Chile y Uruguay. Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 80, 1-27.
- González-Bustamante, B. (2018). Civil Service Models in Latin America. In A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Cham: Springer.
Data Collection Projects
- González-Bustamante, B., & Olivares, A. (2023). Data Set on Chilean Ministers (1990-2014) (Version 3.3.7 – Soft Dew) [Data set].
- González-Bustamante, B., & Olivares, A. (2023). Data Set on Chilean Undersecretaries (1990-2022) (Version 2.1.4 – Wandering Grass) [Data set].