Adam Sharon
I am a first-year student in the MPhil in International Relations program and a member of Somerville College. My research focuses primarily on deterrence in conflicts involving states and violent non-state actors, particularly in the context of Israel and the broader Middle East. I am also deeply interested in the evolution of Israeli strategic thinking following 7 October, and in the challenges US-Israel relations pose to traditional scholarship in International Relations.
Before Oxford, I completed an MA degree in Politics and Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, graduating with First Class Honours. My undergraduate dissertation used a quantitative analysis of surveys to explain the meteoric rise of the Religious Zionist Party in Israel during 2022. I presented the findings of this research at conferences at the Technical University of Dresden and the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Germany and Israel, respectively.
Outside my studies, I was a research assistant at Tel Aviv University where I worked with Professor Uriya Shavit on his forthcoming book (The Jewish Civil War, 2025) which assesses the role of religion in shaping voting behavior in Israel. While at the INSS, I also conducted research on Middle Eastern affairs and co-authored articles on the foreign policy of Egypt and Jordan.
Research Interests
Deterrence Theory
Middle Eastern Conflicts
US-Israel relations
Structural Realism in IR
Religion and Voting Behavior
Far-Right Extremism
Hebrew (Native)
English (C2)
French (A1)
Arabic (A1)

- Sharon, Adam and Ofir Winter. 2024. Egypt in a Multipolar World: Treading the Tightrope Between Great Powers. Nexus Magazine - The University of Haifa. Last modified November 10, 2024.
- Sharon, Adam and Ofir Winter. 2023. Jordan and the War in Israel: Between Public Opinion and Diplomacy. The Institute for National Security Studies. Last modified October 25, 2023.
- Link, Morr, Adam Sharon and Ofir Winter. Navigating Post-War Realities: The Road Ahead for Israel and Egypt. The Institute for National Security Studies. Last modified December 6, 2023.