This internal University of Oxford fund aims to foster creativity and a proactive approach to research opportunities in all subject areas (particularly, but not exclusively, interdisciplinary fields). It makes seedcorn and start-up grants and provides funds to stimulate applications to external agencies. Small (up to £10,000) and main (up to ~£65k) schemes are available.
This is a great, flexible option if you are seeking a relatively small amount of funding, especially if you can make the case that it would pump-prime for a larger, external grant application.
- For the "main" scheme, you must hold a post that includes responsibility for developing your own research agenda.
For the "small" scheme, the committee will also consider applications from an early career researcher who does not hold such a post, as long the applicant has the support of their line manager. The line manager should supply a letter of support, including confirmation that holding the John Fell award would be consistent with the applicant’s existing duties (e.g. meeting the requirements of external funders).
Your proposed JFF project must finish at least 1 month before the end of your contract of employment.
- So that the Research Facilitation Team can provide you with early advice and, if appropriate, allocate resources to support your application, please submit an Expression of Interest by Monday 16th December.
- You will need to work with the Research Facilitation Team to finalise your application on IRAMS by Monday 15th January. Regrettably, any applications which are not finalised by this date cannot be submitted to the funder.
In preparing your application you can consult:
- Examples of previous successful JFF applications in DPIR's proposal bank.
- The slides from a valuable JFF briefing session recently held by the Social Sciences Division. You may find slides 23 - 27 (Assessment Criteria, Good Applications, Common Issues) particularly helpful.
- The University of Oxford's general JFF webpage
- The Social Sciences Division's JFF webpage, including a helpful checklist.
These guidelines are fairly extensive, but please email the DPIR research facilitation team for help navigating them - we will be delighted to assist.
Below, you can click on the "Case for Support" template which you will need to upload to IRAMS.
The JFF has three termly rounds per year. The deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday of Week 2 every term.
JFF Case for Support document
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